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Renews and moisturises

Quenches the skin, offering hydration and nutrients.

Discover the treatment

The new, multi-functional BODY VITALITY line is dedicated to any skin in need of renewal, hydration, and nourishment.
Take care of your body, regardless of your figure or skin type, with this smoothing and exfoliating product which activates, hydrates, and nourishes the skin.

BODY VITALITY products are formulated following careful study of the skin and CUTANEOUS MICROBIOTA, a crucial protective system which keeps our immune defenses strong and healthy.


PROBIOTICS, a word which literally means “for life”, are key for a healthy microbiota, which protects the skin from external aggressors and keeps it strong.
DIBI MILANO chose Lacto-Probiotic for BODY VITALITY. This probiotic supports the cohesion of keratinocytes, accelerates the recovery of the skin barrier, and improves and regulates moisture levels.