Lifting, peeling e reforming
A double professional response to relieve, lift and correct your skin.
Discover the treatment
The innovation of cosmetic peeling, reforming and lifting combined for the first time at DIBI MILANO, thanks to the two LIFT CREATOR treatments that reduce wrinkles, firm up tissues and re-densify them.
Cosmetic peeling: to smooth and renew the skin’s tissues.
Cosmetic reforming: to reintegrate the skin with Hyaluronic Acid, a Booster of Collagen and Elastin, Vitamins and Botox-Like Peptides, repositioning the facial volumes.
Cosmetic lifting: to stimulate the cells to produce substances that create elasticity and turgidity to the skin, promoting a rejuvenation action from the inside.
The facial oval and the eyes appear lifted*.
*Self-assessment test conducted on a panel of 20 women after 28 days of complete treatment with DIBI MILANO LIFT CREATOR
The facial volumes are repositioned*. The skin’s tissues are firmer and denser*.
The products in the line can be used to create a targeted intervention strategy aimed at resolving the skin’s real needs: the treatments of the line are tailor-made.
The formulas that are applied and are fast-acting, feature latest generation texture.
The core of the treatment
LIFT CREATOR available in two different treatment options:
- Lift-Silk Treatment, to provide the skin with density and turgor, for a new generation lifting effect.
- Lift-Tech Treatment, to lift the facial oval, correct wrinkles and re-densify the tissues*

Results of lifting, peeling and reforming treatment
*Clinical test conducted on a panel of 20 women after a cycle of 5 treatments at the institute + home use of the selfcare products for 28 days.**Instrumental test conducted on a panel of 20 women after 14 days of treatment.
***Self-assessment tests conducted on the DIBI MILANO LIFT CREATOR complete treatment + selfcare products for 28 days.
90% of womenhave a visible lifting effect*.
75% of womenhave perfect eyes*.
For 80% of womenan improved distance between eyelids*
For 70% of womeneye bags and circles were less visible*.
90% of womenfeel their skin is compact, toned and elastic***.
100% of womensee immediate results thanks to LIFT CREATOR***.
60% of womensee repositioning of the volumes of their face***.
95% of womenfeel an increase in the density of the tissues***.

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